
论文快递: 第一百七十一期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百七十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括城市移民区的社会空间超级多元化,公共住房供给与社会混合度的关联,年龄隔离与无住房负担能力,街区效应的多尺度纵向表现,城市土地征用的政治经济学,欢迎阅读。


Transnational migrants and the socio-spatial superdiversification of the global city Tokyo           


Sakura Yamamura(德国亚琛工业大学首次出版时间:2022/9/23|研究论文

Tokyo illustrates a particularly interesting case of differential inclusions of transnational migrants in urban spaces, as the novel turn in migration policy in coordination with urban economic development has induced the arrival and diversification of migrant populations into the city. With the recent historic opening of the country to lower-skilled labour migration as well as measures to (re-) attract the global economy, thus incentivising transnational corporate professionals to relocate to specific national economic zones within the city, Tokyo is in a new socio-spatial diversification process. With a non-ethno-focal lens on transnational migration and focusing on upper-class transnational corporate migrants, this article discusses diversification regarding the newer arrivals of migrants who are differently included in the urban spaces as compared to older generations of migrants. It delivers novel accounts of a diversifying transnational migrant groups’ socio-spatial patterns within Tokyo, which illustrate the dynamics of differential inclusions resulting from the superdiversification of urban societies. The article gives new insights into the socio-spatial diversification dynamics of transnational urban spaces in a long-neglected but highly topical Asian arrival city, and conceptually reflects such localised superdiversification of urban spaces on a global scale.Constructed from scratch on land reclaimed from the sea, Songdo was planned to embody new ‘smart city’ life. In reality, it has come to exemplify enclave urbanism that commodifies securitised living for upwardly mobile middle classes. While the political economy of this urban project is by now well studied, the sociological ethnography of the resultant space and its experiential correlates remains less developed and imperfectly contextualised. One needs to connect the dots of power and space. The present paper aims to do that and thematises the ‘design of everyday life’ which rests on (1) the intensification of privatised digital surveillance of mass housing compounds which in turn occasions (2) the remaking of spatial markers and symbolic boundaries between private/public, inclusive/exclusive, inside/outside. As such it is a combination of two different registers of visibility that gets jointly orchestrated by the public–private partnership of Korean state and corporate actors. In order to recognise these regimes as strategic visions of controlled social life we extend James Scott’s notion of ‘seeing like a state’ to include the corresponding regime that we call ‘seeing like a corporation’. This allows us to show that they are mutually elaborative in Songdo through a hybridised fabrication of its lived environment, particularly in the case of one branded housing typology located in the city’s centre called International Business District. This elucidates not only the local entrepreneurial urbanism that gave rise to the controlled environment of Songdo but also more general logics of the ‘compressed modernisation’ in the region which sets a global mode for production of space and re-territorialisation of power.


global city, socio-spatial diversification, superdiversity, transnational migration, transnational space



Social mix and the city: Council housing and neighbourhood income inequality in Vienna


Tamara Premrov(奥地利欧洲社会福利政策与研究中心Matthias Schnetzer(奥地利联邦劳工商会)首次出版时间:2022/9/23|研究论文

The Austrian capital of Vienna is widely acknowledged as one of the most livable cities, featuring a unique model of council housing that accounts for roughly 25% of all residential dwellings. This paper studies whether the broad provision of council housing is linked with a higher social mix in the neighbourhood. The analysis is based on administrative wage tax data at a small-scale raster grid of 500 × 500 meter with neighbourhood income inequality as an indicator for the social mix. While council housing is widely spread across the city, we find distinct spatial clusters of high and low income and inequality. Spatial econometric models show that council housing in Vienna is associated with lower income areas but slightly correlates with higher neighbourhood income inequality. These findings suggest that well-designed public housing policies may contribute to a higher social mix in a city.



Keywords administrative data, council housing, neighbourhood income inequality, social mix, Vienna


原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221119408


Age segregation and housing unaffordability: Generational divides in housing opportunities and spatial polarisation in England and Wales


Albert Sabater(西班牙赫罗纳大学Nissa Finney(英格兰圣安德鲁斯大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/28|研究论文

Age is an important known driver of residential sorting, yet little is understood about how age segregation is affected by housing unaffordability. This relationship is particularly pertinent given trends of increasing housing inequalities and population ageing, in Europe and elsewhere. Using harmonised population data for small areas linked with local house price statistics and household incomes in England and Wales, this paper examines the scale of, and links between, residential age segregation and housing unaffordability. The results reveal a strong association between increasing housing unaffordability (for sales and rentals) and increasing residential age segregation (beyond other local characteristics). This association is particularly marked in urban and rich (least deprived) areas. This points to increasing spatial polarisation along the intersections of wealth and age: not only are the wealthiest parts of the country, where housing is particularly unaffordable, becoming increasingly demarcated socio-economically but also by age. This implies that age-related life course processes are integral to the trends observed more broadly of increasing socio-spatial polarisation.

摘要 年龄是居住分类的一个重要已知驱动因素,但人们对年龄隔离如何受到无住房负担能力的影响了解甚少。鉴于欧洲和其他地方住房不平等和人口老龄化加剧的趋势,了解它们之间的关系尤其重要。本文使用与英格兰和威尔士当地房价统计数据和家庭收入相关的小面积统计人口数据,研究了年龄居住隔离的程度及其与无住房负担能力之间的联系。结果显示,无住房负担能力(包括购房和租房)人口的增加与年龄居住隔离(除了其他地方特征之外)的增加之间存在着强烈的关联。这种关联在城市和富裕(贫困程度最低)地区尤为明显。这意味着财富和年龄相交处的空间极化日益加剧:不仅是在一个国家最富裕的地区(无住房负担能力的现象特别突出)社会经济界限越来越明显,不同年龄的人,住房负担能力也不同,他们之间的社会经济界限也越来越明显。这意味着,与年龄相关的生命过程是不容忽视的,可以让我们更广泛观地察到社会空间极化加剧的趋势。
Keywords England and Wales, housing unaffordability, intergenerational fairness, residential age segregation, socio-spatial inequalities, spatial polarisation
关键词 英格兰和威尔士,无住房负担能力,代际公平,年龄居住隔离,社会空间不平等,空间极化


Contextual poverty and obtained educational level and income in Sweden and the Netherlands: A multi-scale and longitudinal study


Eva Andersson(瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学Heleen Janssen(德国马克斯普朗克研究所)等四位作者首次出版时间:2022/10/1 |研究论文

Studies of neighbourhood effects typically measure the neighbourhood context at one specific spatial scale. It is increasingly acknowledged, however, that the mechanisms through which the residential context affects individual outcomes may operate at different spatial scales, ranging from the very immediate environment to the metropolitan region. We take a multi-scale approach to investigate the extent to which concentrated poverty in adolescence is related to obtained education level and income later in life, by measuring the residential context as bespoke neighbourhoods at five geographical scales that range from areas encompassing the 200 nearest neighbours to areas that include the 200k+ nearest neighbours. We use individual-level geocoded longitudinal register data from Sweden and the Netherlands to follow 15/16-year-olds until they are 30 years old. The findings show that the contextual effects on education are very similar in both countries. Living in a poor area as a teenager is related to a lower obtained educational level when people are in their late 20s. This relationship, however, is stronger for lower spatial scales. We also find effects of contextual poverty on income in both countries. Overall, this effect is stronger in the Netherlands than in Sweden. Partly, this is related to differences in spatial structure. If only individuals in densely populated areas in Sweden are considered, effects on income are similar across the two countries and income effects are more stable across spatial scales. Overall, we find important evidence that the scalar properties of neighbourhood effects differ across life-course outcomes.



Keywordsbespoke neighbourhoods, contextual poverty, education, income, multi-scale, neighbourhood effects




The political economy of land expropriation in urban Bangladesh


Lipon Mondal(孟加拉国达卡大学首次出版时间:2022/10/1|研究论文

This paper explores the 71-year (1947–2018) history of land expropriation in urban Bangladesh. It examines three interrelated questions regarding land occupation. First, how does the state and market pursue their mutual and competing class interests by expropriating land? Next, how does the state and market deploy primarily extra-economic means to seize land? Finally, how do actors, strategies and purposes of land expropriation vary from one political regime to another? This article addresses these questions by engaging with extant theories of land dispossession and class analysis and collecting a wide range of empirical evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh. It argues that state and market actors in different political regimes use extra-economic means to accumulate land, creating preconditions for capitalism and expanding the existing capitalist system. To elaborate on this argument, it examines three factors of land expropriation: class, power and structure. The class dimension examines state and market actors who pursue their respective class interests by grabbing land. The power dimension explores land occupation strategies: who can use what forms of legal or illegal means to expropriate land. The structural factor shows how actors, methods, and purposes of land accumulation vary from regime to regime. Overall, this paper examines historical and contemporary forms of class interests attached to land accumulation, distinct mechanisms and purposes of land expropriation, and the nature of capitalist transformation under various political regimes.

Keywordsaccumulation by dispossession, Bangladesh, class, Dhaka, land, power, primitive accumulation, regimes of dispossession, structure, urban



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